Lifestyle Changes to Improve Hemorrhoids

Many people find it embarrassing to talk about hemorrhoids, but the reality is that hemorrhoids are rather common. They affect more than half of all adults over the age of 50. The good news is that many hemorrhoids are mild and resolve at home.

Here at Vein Institute, our team of experienced providers are here to help you eliminate painful or stubborn hemorrhoids that don’t resolve at home.

In the meantime, here are a few lifestyle changes that can help you prevent future hemorrhoids.

Vein Institute | How to get rid of Hemorrhoids

Add More Fiber To Your Diet

Eating fiber-rich foods can make your stools softer, which makes them easier to pass. In other words, adding more fiber to your diet can help treat and prevent hemorrhoids. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a person who follows a 2000-calorie diet should consume 28 grams of fiber each day. You can find fiber in:

  • Pears (5.5 grams of fiber if you also eat the skin)

  • Apples (4.4 grams of fiber if you also eat the skin)

  • Raspberries (8 grams of fiber in one cup of berries)

  • One sweet potato baked with the skin on (3.8 grams of fiber)

  • High fiber, ready-to-eat bran (14.3 grams of fiber in a ¾ cup serving)

  • Stewed prunes (3.8 grams in a ½ cup serving)

  • Navy beans (9.6 grams in a ½ serving)

You can also find fiber-fortified pastas and cereals.

Vein Institute | How to get rid of Hemorrhoids Naturally

Focus On Hydration

Staying hydrated and eating fiber go hand-in-hand. Fiber absorbs water, which makes the stools bulkier. Because bulkier stools move faster and are easier to eliminate, this can help avoid straining, which exacerbates hemorrhoids. Aim to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, but you may need to drink more if you exercise.

In addition to water, other good sources of hydration include fruit juice (e.g., pear juice or apple juice) as well as clear soups and bone broth.

Vein Institute | How to remove Hemorrhoids

Stay Active

Regular exercise is good for your overall mental and physical wellness, but it also helps prevent hemorrhoids too. Regular exercise:

  • Encourages regular bowel movements

  • Improves body-wide circulation

  • Strengthens your pelvic floor muscles

  • Increases oxygen to the affected area thanks to increased circulation

The good news: you don’t need to start an intense workout regimen to see an improvement in your bowel habits. Even daily walking is enough to support your digestion.

Consider Bathroom Ergonomics

Believe it or not, bathroom ergonomics can help you use the restroom more efficiently, which can help prevent hemorrhoids by cutting back on time straining. When sitting on the toilet:

  • Sit with your knees higher than your hips (a footstool meant for this purpose can help you eliminate more efficiently)

  • Lean forward

  • Refrain from leaning backward

  • Relax your stomach

  • Straighten your spine

Additionally, sitting for longer than 10 minutes can increase your risk of developing a hemorrhoid.

Vein Institute | How to stop Hemorrhoids from happening

Use At-Home Treatments To Reduce Discomfort

Most hemorrhoids are mild, but they can still cause itching, pain, and discomfort. You can find relief from your symptoms by using topical hemorrhoids creams, witch hazel pads, aloe vera, and cold compresses. You can also soak in an Epsom salt bath or a sitz bath.

Vein Institute | At Home Hemorrhoid Treatment | Vein Specialists located in Avon, Fairfield, Shelton and Newtown Connecticut

When Lifestyle Changes Aren’t Enough…

Sometimes, even with the best at-home care, hemorrhoids are stubborn. Our team of experts here at Vein Institute offers in-office treatments to shrink your hemorrhoids quickly. Potential treatments include:

  • Infrared coagulation (IRC), a quick procedure in which infrared light coagulates blood in the affected vein, effectively shrinking your hemorrhoids

  • Hemorrhoid artery embolization (for more extreme hemorrhoid cases that IRC can’t treat)

Your provider at Vein Institute can help you develop a comprehensive treatment plan, including which treatment is right for you and how many treatments you’ll need to optimal relief.

Don’t suffer in silence with hemorrhoids any longer. Call the location nearest you 一 or request your appointment online 一 and get started with relief today.