Varicocele Percutaneous Embolization

A varicocele is an enlarged, twisted vein (much like a varicose vein) that develops in the scrotum. The abnormal blood flow associated with a varicocele may cause pain, swelling, or infertility. Once varicocele develops, it won’t go away on its own. Thankfully, the experienced team here at Vein Institute are experts when it comes to treating varicocele. Varicocele percutaneous embolization is a non-surgical, outpatient treatment used to effectively stop pain and reduce the impact on fertility.

What is a varicocele?


A varicocele is an enlarged vein with reversed or reduced blood flow in a male’s scrotum. Not only can the swollen vein cause pain and swelling, but it can also contribute to infertility. Varicocele is diagnosed through the combination of a clinical examination and ultrasound imaging.

What is varicocele percutaneous embolization?

Varicocele embolization is a minimally invasive procedure in which blood flow is directed away from the varicocele. This is a nonsurgical, image-guided procedure in which your provider inserts tiny coils and/or a liquid substance through a catheter (a long hollow plastic tube) directly into the blood vessel that supplies blood to the varicocele. Varicocele percutaneous embolization can safely alleviate pain and swelling, and, for those struggling with infertility, potentially improve sperm quality.

What happens during a varicocele percutaneous embolization?

Varicocele percutaneous embolization is an outpatient procedure and does not require general anesthesia. Local anesthetics and intravenous sedatives keep you comfortable throughout your procedure. Special contrast dye is administered to map out your blood vessels and highlight where the problem vessel is. You may feel warmth when the dye is injected, but the sensation quickly passes. Under the guidance of this imaging technology, a catheter is inserted through a small incision. Once the catheter is positioned correctly, tiny coils and/or other materials are injected through the catheter into the vein to block blood flow to the varicocele.

By blocking blood flow to the varicocele, the abnormal blood flow into the scrotum ceases. Instead, your blood is rerouted to healthier veins. Swelling and pressure dissipate as the blood flow is successfully diverted to other veins.

Vein Institute | Fairfield Connecticut | Shelton Connecticut | Newtown Connecticut | Varicocele Percutaneous Embolization

Varicocele percutaneous embolization is typically completed within one hour.

What can I expect during my recovery?

Immediately after the procedure, our team of experts will monitor you until you are ready to return home. You may experience localized discomfort in the scrotum as the diseased vein is shut down. Most men who undergo this procedure are able to resume normal activities within 24 hours. 

Let Vein Institute provide the expert care you need. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online.